Utata, Yo

Linus Gelber

On this bright spring Saturday, fellow Flickr fellow Moochin Photoman is in for a first-time visit to New York City. He's spent the last few weeks shooting in Haiti, and is on his way home to Ireland.

We meet up with Behind Blue Eyes at Grand Central at noon, and commence our three-man whirlwind tour of wherever we get to. Which covers some of scenic midtown, the new Ai Weiwei sculptures in front of the Plaza Hotel, lunch at Heartland Brewery, and a long meander through Central Park up to Strawberry Fields. After which I, for one, am tuckered out.

Here John flashes his Utata gang sign after a pause to watch a bit of lawn bowling and trade slogans with some European football enthusiasts. He's holding his TtV (Through the Viewfinder) apparatus, and if you don't know what this means you should check out his terrific TtV work here on Flickr - basically, you stick your camera into the black tube and take a picture through the viewfinder of another camera which is attached on the end of the tube. Cool stuff.

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