Computer Science Geek

Autumnal Clue #2

The autumnal equinox will soon be upon us (September 22nd, this year), the day and the night will be of equal length and a chill wind will come from the north. Moving westward along the ecliptic, passing through each of the constellations of the zodiac, the equinoxes have always marked days of human celebration. From Aphrodite of Cyprus, Hathor of Egypt and Ostara of Scandinavia, this turn in the seasons has been celebrated by cultures and deities throughout history. Whether you call it Mabon or Harvest Home, it marks a period of which British Druid Emma Restall Orr says, “We give ourselves time to stop and breathe deeply, to feel the satisfaction of what has been achieved, to start to relax.”

Or perhaps, as Computer Science Geek seems to be doing, time to start on that pile of reading you’ve been collecting all summer.

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