

What things for dream there are when specter-like,
Moving among tall haycocks lightly piled,
I enter alone upon the stubble field….

Robert Frost, Waiting

There is a bit of the old film of our collective youth in this photograph. An ambient yellow tint that is familiar and comforting and … real … in a way that perfect blues and hues and a calibrated color-space are not. These photographs hold the memories of summers and graduations and generations piled on wood lawn chairs for annual portraits. They “say cheese” and “you blinked!” and “oh! I need to comb my hair!”. The art of photography is a generous one and may be represented in many ways, from artful to archival, but I think the soul of it sits here in these photographs – the ones that make us smile and remember.

“Oh yes,” I can imagine her saying, decades from now, “I remember that day in the field with the yellow flowers.” I can even imagine she will remember the shape of the horizon and the smell of the air and the way the flowers brushed against her legs when she walked through them. Maybe this one will end up stored in the box with grandma and grandmpa’s wedding and cousin Sally’s baptismal. Maybe she will write a note on the back “When I was 20something”. Maybe.

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