one moment please…

Words are delicious, aren’t they? It makes no difference if you never read anything except stock reports, still have nightmares about middle school writing classes, and find yourself sweaty and tongue tied when you’re standing in front of a roomful of strangers — words are delicious. Even the most laconic life has space enough in it to taste the pleasures of language.

Linger over the sentences you speak to your lover, and tell me they’re not smooth, round, chewy words as supple as a pair of legs wrapped around a waist. Spit out the ones you’re dying to say to your enemy — those are as sharp and surprising as spices on the tongue… secretly satisfying. And as for the words you say to yourself, choose those with great care; you might be digesting them for years.

Any way you cook ’em, words are highly flavored with memory, desire, and belief. But don’t take my word for it. Ask a lexical-gustatory synesthete sometime. And while you’re at it, take a leaf out of this photographer’s book: don’t just eat your words today, pour yourself a nice tall glass of language and drink deep.

Blog photograph copyrighted to the photographer and used with permission by All photographs used on are stored on and are obtained via the flickr API. Text is copyrighted to the author, meerasethi and is used with permission by Please see Show and Share Your Work