The 10 cent designer

Well, c’mon in. Take your coat off and sit a spell. Here, let me hang that up. No? Then I’ll just fetch you some coffee, warm you right up. I declare, every year seems like it gets colder and colder. Maybe it’s just my old bones. I’m getting so I don’t like to go outside much when it turns cold. I just stay here in the kitchen where it’s warm, baking cookies. Don’t you just love the smell of a Christmas kitchen? I recollect as a child the way my grammy’s kitchen smelled this time of year. Her whole house smelled like Christmas. Apple wood burning in the fireplace, the scent of oranges in the stockings, the pine smell of the Christmas tree. But it was always the kitchen that smelled best. I don’t have a fireplace and I don’t hang stockings anymore, and it’s too much fuss at my age to have a real tree. But I can still bake cinnamon cookies with my grammy’s recipe. There’s nothing like fresh-baked cookies. You’ll take some with you when you go. Oh hush, you will so…I know you love cinnamon cookies. Can I get you another cup of coffee? No…so soon? Oh, I know…that’s just how it is this time of year, everybody rushing everywhere. But it means I get lots of visitors, and I do love that. I’m so glad you stopped by. Let me just put some of these cookies in a tin. Zip up that jacket, now. You don’t want to catch cold. And have a merry Christmas.

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