Mai An Hoa


This is the way the world works. Because the light falls gentle on your cheek, rose petals fall from the sky. Because the room is suffused with the red scent of soft falling roses, molecules of music materialize from your eyes. Because the air is permeated with the mist of rose music, the light falls gentle on your cheek.

This is the way the world works. Disregard the laws of cause and effect. It is the light on your cheek that makes the petals fall. It is the scent of roses that creates music. It is music that softens the light as it caresses your cheek. Your delight suspends the tyranny of physics, your laughter banishes gravity, your joy dismisses science.

This is the way the world works. The light so loves the curve of your cheek that rose petals fall out of the sky. This is the way it works.

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