
It was a good morning

The Irish have a saying (the Irish always have a saying): Níl sa saol seo ach ceo is ní bheimíd beo ach seal beag gearr. It’s a misty old world and we’re only in it for a short sharp while. Very sensible, that.

The mist obscures what’s ahead of us, which can be disorienting and unnerving, even frightening. It obscures…but it doesn’t change anything. What’s ahead is what’s ahead, mist or no. The mist just makes it more difficult to pick the right path.

The mist makes you pay attention. It makes you look more closely at the things around you and appreciate them for what they are. The mist doesn’t make anything more beautiful; it only makes you more sensitive to what is already there.

They have it right, the Irish. It is a misty old world. And we are only in it for a short, sharp while. It would be foolish to stay inside, hoping the sun will come out.

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