

He doesn’t even notice her. He’s dressed all in NoHo black, gliding elastic-limbed down the street, twitch-texting his mates and wrecking his lungs and he doesn’t even notice her. Hell, he’s not even there; he’s in some digital stratum, hasn’t been terrestial-based in years, he can LOL without making a sound and he doesn’t even notice her.

Bet your ass she spotted him, though. Spotted, dissected and dismissed him, all in the time it takes to exhale. She’s been working the lunch grill, feeding twelve dollar burgers with goat-cheese to poseurs like him, getting paid two bucks over minimum, and she knows that if he says one word…one fucking word…to her she’ll be forced to kick his ass all down Decatur Street.

People drift like random particles suspended in a thin fluid, haphazardly, sometimes bumping into each other, sometimes missing, unaware of the consequences. There’s no moral here, no lesson to be learned. Something almost happened, but didn’t. This is the way the world works. This is the way the world works.

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