
Espresso… Anyone

Legend has it that coffee was discovered by a goat herder in Ethiopia who noticed that a sudden high-energy burst in his herd seemed to be caused by the little red berries they were eating. After trying it himself and noticing a sense of alertness and clarity, he gave some of the berries to a religious leader who boiled them in water and noted that the strong beverage dispelled tiredness. From Ethiopia, coffee traveled to Yemen, from Yemen to Mecca, and then, across trade and travel routes it spread to the rest of the Muslim world. It eventually made its way to Europe via the Ottoman Empire, and to the Americas via Europe.

These days, no matter where we are or how we drink it, straight up and strong, or frothy and fancy, out of a paper cup, a glass, or a tried-and-true mug (with a chip on the handle), whether it wakes us up, keeps us going, or helps us relax as we chat with friends, coffee is the quintessential beverage of welcome, of new days, of good conversation.

For that, we have the goats to thank.

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