
on the brink

“Brink” is a funny word, or perhaps it’s better to say it’s an odd word. It feels strange in the mouth. Try it. Roll it around on your tongue for a minute and taste it. Brink. Strange little syllable, that. But it works, because the brink is a funny place. It is the edge, the precipice, the verge, the boundary the knife-point of: madness, tears, laughter, a new season, a new love, a new life. It comes right before any experience, any experience at all. The brink is that moment, that tiny space between what was and what will be. It could be terrifying or exhilarating, sad or exciting, but it is never mundane. And though we may keep our balance there as long as we possibly can, there is only one thing to do whenever we find ourselves on the brink, and that is to take a deep breath and step off.

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