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The ground covered with snow, and the atmosphere in that unsettled state between frost and thaw, which is of all others the most unfriendly for exercise, every morning beginning in rain or snow, and every evening setting in to freeze, she was for many days a most honourable prisoner.
How I adore Jane Austen. She offers us a pretty little something for every social and climatological situation. There most certainly is an appalling sense of incarceration that coincides with winter, and to go out in such weather feels a wee bit like an escape from confinement. It can be quite uncomfortable, but the distinct pleasure of that brief period of freedom surely makes up for the hardship. Best of all, a stroll through the wintry weather not only cheers the heart, it makes returning to our place of detention most agreeable. There is coffee awaiting us, and books and music, and a very welcoming warmth.
I look forward to the first deep snowfall, though I dread the notion of a long winter. I only hope I can sally forth to brave the chill with some small portion of the grace and charm we see exhibited here.
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