
New angle

It’s one of those terrible clichés, isn’t it, the idea that photography helps you perceive the world in a new way, opens your eyes, forces you to see things you might otherwise miss. It’s one of those hackneyed artist’s statement commonplaces that is, I suppose, true—but not particularly powerful or immediate.

The sentence “I look like a mountain,” on the other hand (which fell, like Newton’s apple, from this photographer’s lips as soon as he saw the photo he had taken) is neither clichéd nor commonplace. It has the power and immediacy of the opening line from a picture book. And it’s totally true. He does look like a mountain. All he needs to be completely convincing is a tiny little mountain climber planting a flag on the summit of his nose in exhausted triumph.

Get out your cameras, folks. Try a new angle. Forget noticing the fleeting beauty of a flower or the tremble in the lip of a toddler. That stuff is no big deal.

But if you’re lucky, you might turn into a seriously impressive geographic formation.

Blog photograph copyrighted to the photographer and used with permission by All photographs used on are stored on and are obtained via the flickr API. Text is copyrighted to the author, meerasethi and is used with permission by Please see Show and Share Your Work