

A circle always ends where it begins. But it can begin anywhere.

It can begin with café au lait and a brioche à tête on a weekday morning in the company of a disillusioned old street cat at a small pâtisserie. As you watch all the employed people find their weary way to work, the cat watches you, waiting to see if you’ll tip a bit of coffee into the saucer. Some people will, some people won’t. A woman in red shoes glides by on a bicycle, the tires sibilating on the pavement, and the disapproving cat drifts silently away. You tip a bit of coffee into the saucer, unaware the cat is gone, and so is the woman in red shoes. She’s cycled off to work at the big box bookstore that undersold the small independent bookseller where she used to work and put it out of business. There she’ll have a cafe Americano and a cinnamon bun before her shift, and as she watches the clock she’ll wonder what happened to the self-satisfied cat that used to loiter in the narrow aisles of books at the old store, mooching coffee and crumbs from the staff.

A circle always ends where it begins. But it can begin anywhere.

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