
Light Tea

Mrs. Letinksy would very much like you to come to tea. She particularly wishes to discuss clouds and the peculiar dance of honeybees. She is quite concerned about the current state of the bee population. You may, of course, contribute topics of personal interest to you, with the exception of yellow fruits and vegetables. Mrs. Letinsky disapproves of yellow comestibles.

Shui Jin Gui will be served. Mrs. Letinsky finds the taste invigorating and feels the color is singularly pleasing. Other oolong teas will be made available, if you wish. Although she prefers her tea served in cups with saucers, she is prepared to relax her standards and adopt a sturdier cup for the occasion. Mrs. Letinsky always attempts to make her guests comfortable. She will therefore endeavor to be hip—or hep, as the case may be.

Battenberg will be served. You mustn’t mind if Mr. Uffley partakes. He is well trained, doesn’t shed and is regularly bathed so there is no need for concern. Mr. Uffley is Mrs. Letinsky’s Brussels Griffon. Tea will be served promptly at three-fifteen. Shall we expect you, then, at three o’clock? Mrs. Letinsky will be ever so pleased.

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