Nikola IlIev


We begin today with a riddle: What single question binds philosophers, scientists, theologians, comedians, and all the rest of us — the mere posing of which is just as likely to divide us?

A few hints: There is no correct answer to this question. It can be answered in one word or a thousand pages. This question cannot be answered at all. The answer to this question can change from day to day, and even from minute to minute. It can be answered in poetry, or in song. It can be answered with swords, and with guns. This question can be slept on. It may keep you awake at night. It is often asked at cocktail parties. But never on Jeopardy. It is a stupid question. It is a brilliant question. It is a brave question.

Ladies and gentlemen, when I give you the signal, you will have the rest of your life to answer the question, “Why are we here?”

Laptops open. Fingers at the ready. Click on the photograph. And begin.

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