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Photo "5110734114" not found (invalid ID)Photo "5110734114" not found (invalid ID)

I Spy with My Little Magnifying Glass

Not even the tiniest thing/ But this my glass/ Will make more marvelous/ And itself surpass, wrote Walter de la Mare of the magnifying glass. The simplicity of its magic trick is what astounds; no mechanism does it demand but light and glass. No special training is required, no understanding of the laws of physics or the properties of waves and rays. Simply a hand to hold, an eye to look, and an object, not yet fully appreciated, to come into its own gigantic glory under twin domes. And looking, you too are transformed. You have your own glory.

You are a spy. You are a scientist. You are Sherlock Holmes.

Photo "5110734114" not found (invalid ID)Photo "5110734114" not found (invalid ID)Photo "5110734114" not found (invalid ID)

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