

Minor White said that, “All photographs are self portraits.”

If that is true (and I believe it is), then what does this photograph tell us about the photographer?

Well, it tells us she is drawn to the fanciful, peculiar, and quirky, though she, herself, may be none of these things. That she is an optimist. A morning person, if you will. That she is a girlie-girl whose mother dressed her in Mary Janes and velvet dresses with scratchy petticoats and little lace collars, and that she pressed the shutter because what she saw through her lens struck her as an edgy, grown-up version of those little girl clothes. That she is her own person. Or trying hard to be. That she would describe her sense of humor as “droll,” and her sense of style as “ironic.” And that she will one day have a polka dot dress, a pair of skinny jeans, and black leather shoes with crystal studs in her closet. Someday. When the waiting is over.

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