Photo "6773316624" not found (invalid ID)Photo "6773316624" not found (invalid ID)
Photo "6773316624" not found (invalid ID)


Everything happens right now.

There’s a girl with a loose tooth on a skateboard and a guy riding an eight year old Malvern Star bicycle. She doesn’t know him, he doesn’t know her, and neither of them knows the couple in the background. The woman is watching him as he watches something unfortunate happen to one of the surfers. She knows him, he knows her, but they don’t know the surfers, who aren’t even aware they’re being watched as a guy rides by on a bike and a girl trundles off on her skateboard.

And then it’s over. The surfer recovers, the man and woman continue on, the guy on the bike is gone, and the girl on the skateboard uses her tongue to wiggle the loose tooth as she jets her way down the street. Everybody’s gone…

…except for us. We’re still here. We’re still looking. For us, it’s still right now, and it’ll stay right now until we decide to let it go. Which we’ll do when we’re good and ready.

Photo "6773316624" not found (invalid ID)Photo "6773316624" not found (invalid ID)

Blog photograph copyrighted to the photographer and used with permission by All photographs used on are stored on and are obtained via the flickr API. Text is copyrighted to the author, greg fallis and is used with permission by Please see Show and Share Your Work