Metrix X

Test Bench V

What happened to Test Bench IV? Did it get swept away along with a pile of autumn leaves and a single glove, frayed around the cuff  and holed at the second finger?

What about Test Bench III? Was it smothered by stinging nettles so high that from a distance it appeared to be floating in a soup of livid green?

Test Bench II, as we all know, was run out of cabbagetown and washed up way beyond the farms at Riverdale.

And as for Test Bench I, it never really had a chance – the Rodinal got to it 12 minutes into the process.

So Test Bench V sits all alone, broken down by the whole sorry affair. Even the yellow tape is deserting it. But there is that light on Test Bench V and you know if you sit down in that golden spring light it will warm you to the bone.

So you sit where it says “Do Not Sit” and you think about all those other benches.  And you’re glad it was this bench that survived.

(Hint: it’s all there in the photo tags. All I did was expand on them. )

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