
The Regime

This is what we do.

No! Not stomp on people’s hands. Unless it’s for a cause – like an Iron Photographer, or a weekend project. For a big project we might even stomp on …  No, forget I even said that. We’re not like that. We play nice.

What we do is collaborate. We share, we give each other ideas. Sometimes we even Pay Homage*

And we help. And though we couldn’t all have been there to trip that shutter, or use those combat boots – one on pointe, the other with the stomp vibe, it’s still a collaboration.  Every time a new project is announced there are questions, and some discussion,  there are jokes and inspiration. It’s what Utata does best –  these group projects are the perfect space for ideas to collide and art to happen.

*Utata’s big summer project2013.

Blog photograph copyrighted to the photographer and used with permission by All photographs used on are stored on and are obtained via the flickr API. Text is copyrighted to the author, Debra Broughton and is used with permission by Please see Show and Share Your Work