
26. Feb 2015, about 5pm

It’s been a longish day at work, but not the longest of the week. You haven’t looked up from your desk all afternoon. There’s no time to think about the shopping that needs to get done on the way home, the kids that need picking up from daycare, or the car that could do with new front tyres if it will see the winter out.

You’re buried in work, your to do list has long ago walked out of the door where the items to be added are queueing in the corridor. On the 26th of February about 5pm, you look up and see cotton wool clouds corrugating the sky, glimmering sunlight pushing back the gloaming, steely night strangling out the day. And for a moment of time, about 5pm, nothing else exists. You grab your camera, about 5pm, before you go back to your everyday life.

Blog photograph copyrighted to the photographer and used with permission by utata.org. All photographs used on utata.org are stored on flickr.com and are obtained via the flickr API. Text is copyrighted to the author, Debra Broughton and is used with permission by utata.org. Please see Show and Share Your Work