Anyone for cricket?
Moochin Photoman

Let me tell you what I remember about Seán Murphy.

The other mothers were forever jabbering about Seán this and Seán that. He’s got the devil in him that Seán Murphy.

He was always getting into trouble and was too dumb-honest to hide it from his folks.

He was the first boy to fall for my daughter, when she was only two years old and he was almost four.

He named himself her protector. She didn’t want his protection anyway. He understood.

He asked his mammy why he had so many frackles, she told him they were angel’s kisses.

He believed in justice for all and fought for fair play, frequently.

He had a warrior’s haircut, because you couldn’t get near him with a hairbrush or a comb.

I’d forgotten all about him, Seán Murphy the school-yard hero, climbing-frame activist, feral, brave and bold. Then I saw this picture of another boy, and while I remembered Seán Murphy, I knew they would have been friends.



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