Balthus Van Tassel

Got it!

Sometimes a photo tells a story. Or several of them. Here are a few of the tales I see here:

A guy loves a dog.

A dog loves a guy.

A guy experiments with a couple of strobes, ambient sunset light, and a very enthusiastic model. He has done this before, and will likely do it again.

A dog loves a frisbee. There is some kind of mystical link between the two. As such, the dog is so, so happy when her guy tosses the frisbee into the back of the car and says, “Let’s go,” because it means they will romp outside, there will be jumping-about, and nothing else will matter for a little while.

A dog snores, back at home, sprawled atop her lovingly gnawed frisbee. Her guy sits at the computer, checking out action shots from the evening; he clicks a few times, then laughs out loud, a great guffaw (but it does not wake the dog, because the dog is so tired).

A guy shares a glorious, silly photo that he made with his best buddy. People from all over the world see it. It makes them ridiculously happy.

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