

As time and youth pass by some take solace in alcohol, drugs, or sexual abandon, while others resort to drinking tea, playing golf and talking politics.

Look at this photograph. First the golf ball; let us consider that the current president of the USA plays golf quite frequently. Keener than the average golfer, he owns a few courses. It would be petty to point out just how frequently he pursues affairs of state with a golf club in hand, also current data might be invalid by the time we publish.

Next the tea cup; the Chinese have long associated drinking green tea with both stimulation and calmness. I have no idea if the Chinese Leader is partial to a nice cup of tea, he is however on record as disapproving of golf. For many years golf was a forbidden activity in China, the game is associated with decadence, graft and corruption. In the past a Chinese leader who openly indulged in a golf habit ended up spending more than a decade under house arrest.

This delightful iron photographer challenge photograph is perfectly timely because this is the week when President Xi Jinping of China and President Donald Trump of the USA will meet. There might be tea, but there almost definitely will not be golf. As Jill demonstrates here, it is challenging finding exactly the right balance, so let’s all hope that nothing is going to get broken.



Blog photograph copyrighted to the photographer and used with permission by utata.org. All photographs used on utata.org are stored on flickr.com and are obtained via the flickr API. Text is copyrighted to the author, Rachel Irving and is used with permission by utata.org. Please see Show and Share Your Work