Photo "48051009651" not found (invalid ID)
Photo "48051009651" not found (invalid ID)Photo "48051009651" not found (invalid ID)

When Martin Parr advised photographers to photograph the mundane before it disappears, I think this is what he was getting at. Photograph everyday objects. Shoot the things that otherwise go unnoticed.

Because one day they’ll be gone and you’ll find yourself wondering what colour was the sign in the laundry. Was the basket red and the sign blue, or was it the other way around?

Or you might think I remember there was something extraordinary about that place, but I never could put my finger on why…

Photograph the ordinary and make it extraordinary. It’s like mindfulness for photographers – finding something to love about each and every little detail that makes up the day.

Photo "48051009651" not found (invalid ID)Photo "48051009651" not found (invalid ID)Photo "48051009651" not found (invalid ID)

Blog photograph copyrighted to the photographer and used with permission by All photographs used on are stored on and are obtained via the flickr API. Text is copyrighted to the author, Debra Broughton and is used with permission by Please see Show and Share Your Work