
West View, Pennsylvania

As soon as it gets some use it will look scuffed and imperfect. When February ends and it has known a Pittsburgh winter the crisp edges will be grimed up; but right now it is sharp. Right now a child looking from the front bedroom window of that house will see the cross hatched, magic yellow runway; a road leading from suburbia to the Tardis, to the Enterprise, to some awesome space ship which has not yet found Earth, but will (now that Planet Earth has been properly tagged). When March comes all the child will see is a parking lot, but tonight she sees the path to universal conquest.

Blog photograph copyrighted to the photographer and used with permission by utata.org. All photographs used on utata.org are stored on flickr.com and are obtained via the flickr API. Text is copyrighted to the author, Rachel Irving and is used with permission by utata.org. Please see Show and Share Your Work