Iron Photographer 228: Caffeine Genie

Meredith Wilson

1. A face
2. Your usual coffee cup
3. Double exposure

Photograph something that you have had in your mind for years and you just can't let go.
– Alejandro Cartagena

Back in 2008, when I was still a relative newbie on Flickr, I came across what remains one of my favourite groups in the Flicker-verse today, Utata.

In among the light hearted banter about velociraptors and cake, the Sunday Salons that introduced me to artists I'd not previously known, the daunting but energising Big Projects (both summer and winter) and the photography of a wealth of crazy, funny, talented people, there nestled a series of regular challenges called Iron Photographer (IP). Those who accept the challenge are given 3 random elements and around 2 weeks to interpret and combine these into photographic gold…or not as the case may be. About the only rule is the work has to be new.

I dipped my toe in with IP 82 and over the years have submitted on and off. It’s been a while since I’ve taken part but it’s one of those projects that I know I’ll return to again and again. So with Alejandro’s entreaty that we have fun, I give you Iron Photographer!

And to Greg, Jamelah and the rest of the wonderful crew of Utata (you know who you are), thank you. This one is dedicated to you xx

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Utata » Tribal Photography » Projects