
Michael Perkins

So..every day is laundry day now. And no day is laundry day, now.

Our Great Hibernation has a handy way of annihilating time, of rendering all deadlines and schedules as malleable as taffy. We all live in a land full of melted Dali watches.

Recently, after doing a load of duds, I found this paper dollar stranded inside the washer tub. It got me thinking about how quickly and profoundly everything has changed.

Money really isn't worth anything: it's only a barometer of our trust of each other. And now, in an age of touch-phobia, who wants to come within a mile of this viral vector? In the USA, the cash even says "In God We Trust" on it, but, were the Man Himself to walk into our business these days, we'd probably ask him to use Apple Pay, and please keep your distance, thank you very much.

And so the term "money laundering" gains an ironic new meaning in GroundHogDayLand. In time, many of the elements of our world will be repurposed, re-thought. In the meantime, the things we think of as permanent are dripping like the numerals on that Dali watch.

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