SXSW 2007: Slough Feg (Michael Scalzi)

Linus Gelber

I'm a little early for the next band at Emo's Lounge during tonight's SXSW travels, and so I catch the tail end of a set by San Francisco's Slough Feg - a band described elsewhere as a "folky heavy metal" outfit. I'm not sure about that tag. What I mostly recall is dim light and din (heavy metal not my thing, really), and bare-chested Michael Scalzi (I think that's who this is) strutting and darting about the stage. I wasn't able to get a clear shot showing the tiger stripes painted on his body.

The band, formerly known as The Lord Weird Slough Feg, takes its name from Celtic mythology as interpreted in the comic series Sláine. I guess there's a resemblance. I wish I had caught some more of the set. As it was, there was just time to dash in, boggle, and shoot a few frames.

The last of my pictures from the festival will crop up over the next few weeks in the eponymous SXSW 2007 set. If you're interested, there's also a set of last year's photos from SXSW 2006 posted here on Flickr.

I prepped this photo for submission to the Utata Just Black project; it's my first stab at a duotone.

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