Beautiful Gabrielle
Robin Gornell
Last Saturday Paul and I went to the Old Market and stopped to have lunch at M's Pub. We were seated by a very pretty brunette who also spent much time clearing tables and generally running around. Lunch was lovely and we left.
We decided to have lunch in the Old Market today, as it was in the 70s and sunshiney. Tables were set up on the sidewalk at La Buvette, so we decided to eat there. A lovely brunette steps up with menus and I looked at her and said, "Hey, don't you work at M's?" She smiled and said, "Yes, I work both places."
As she was leaving a close-by table, I asked her if I could take her photograph for a project. She said sure. I asked her name and she said, "Gabrielle." (What a great name.) She wanted to see the shot, and of course, didn't like it. Bah. I think she is so absolutely gorgeous! She has no makeup on and has the most delightful smile. I'm glad I got the opportunity to shoot her, and hope to see her again.
This picture is #4 in my 100 strangers project. Find out more about the project and see pictures taken by other photographers at
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