The day after the end of war Sauron makes a comeback in Helsinki
Robert Harper

The day after the end of war
So it is official, Sauron can can have a tower, just a small tower in Helsinki by the seaside, on the condition that he does not place an all seeing eye on top of it. He has had to make do with a small gas flame, which to tell the truth is not going to terrify anybody. Extortionate he was heard to murmmer. Russian gas will cost you a ring-finger and a eye and what do you get for your money, a flame no bigger than a pilot light on a gas stove. It is being said that he fears he has lost all credibility for being a force for evil. See how the mighty have fallen.
And as for Orcs, you can just forget about it, some city ordinance has been passed regarding a restriction order, governing Orc movement , and they should be confined to the region around the Hartwell arena. Verka Serdjuchka was mistaken for an Orc and was hauled off to jail. Anyone who wears a disco-ball as a hat is just asking for trouble.
Talk about giving Trolls a hard time.
- Taken at 4:19 PM on May 17, 2007 - cameraphone upload by ShoZu
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