PT6: A Very Commonplace Gesture
To participate in Picture This #6, our project where photos follow from titles, you'll need to do the following. Create a photo, or up to 6 photos, if you are struck with multiple strokes of genius, with the title A Very Commonplace Gesture. Tag your photos with utata:project=pt6, and please title them "A Very Commonplace Gesture" as well.
Just as with Iron Photographer submissions, what we're hoping for here is that you work on creating a photo based on the constraints of the project (in this case, the title). For that reason, all submissions should be new images— no tagging a picture that's already in your stream, even if it seems as if I must have dreamt up the title expressly to crown it with.
Other than that though, anything can happen! Close your eyes and meditate on the title, deconstruct it in your mind, splash your way out of a bath yelling "Eureka!"—we just want to see what you think up. Have fun! And don't forget to post your creations here.
PT6: A Very Commonplace Gesture has 27 entries.