The beginning of the World
Erik Symes

I'll bet you didn't know that President Richard Nixon's infamous "I am not a crook" comment was made while he was attending a dinner for the AP at Walt Disney World's Contemporary Resort, did you? Well it was.
Excerpt from Wikipedia:
Saturday Night Massacre
Main article: Saturday Night Massacre
Cox's refusal to drop his subpoena led to the "Saturday Night Massacre" on October 20, 1973, when Nixon compelled the resignations of Richardson and deputy William Ruckelshaus, in a search for someone in the Justice Department willing to fire Cox. This search ended with Solicitor General Robert Bork. At first, Bork planned to resign as well, but both Richardson and Ruckelshaus persuaded him not to in order to prevent any further damage to the Justice Department. As the new acting department head, Bork carried out the presidential order and dismissed the special prosecutor. Public reaction was immediate and intense, with protesters standing along the sidewalks outside the White House holding signs saying "HONK TO IMPEACH," and hundreds of cars driving by honking their horns.[citation needed] Allegations of wrongdoing prompted Nixon to famously state "I'm not a crook" in front of 400 startled Associated Press managing editors on the grounds of Disney's Contemporary Resort at Walt Disney World Resort in Florida on November 17, 1973.
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