Spider web on the trail

Ari Hahn

Tio's Style Strong contrast. Enhanced shadows. Prominent light. Sharp focus with implied movement. I hope I did a good job.

More from my nature walk today.

Spider webs are fascinating. They are the strongest material known. Its technical and engineering specifics are extremely complex. In relation to its thickness, it holds more than any man made material.

This is one of the greatest proofs that the theory of evolution could not have happened as it is presently formulated. With random mutations, the spider web would need about 10 billion years to evolve. The universe is estimated to be 15 billion earth years. While I do not believe in any of the popular theories of the origin of life (evolution, creationism (as popularly formulated), intelligent design, etc.), it amazes me that anybody with a basic understanding statistics and probability could subscribe to Darwinian (or even neo-Darwinian) theory. Just look at the spider web.

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