Xenoarchaeology Report On Item XWC-189-213-245-233-qwerty DDS 215, 218


Continuation of the analysis of the series of 30,000 year old pictures found deep in a salt bed formed by an ancient lake. The pictures were created with layers of animal products and metal dyes laid on a film. This must have been highly valued because of the rarity of the materials that make up the film.

From the image we can only conclude that the dominant species worshipped their gods through a ceremony of wearing a costume decorated with brightly coloured plumage and then imitating flying into the heavens by uncoordinated flapping and flailing of their limbs. Structural recreation and analysis of the species reveals that they are not as first thought derived from ancestry that could remain airborne even in the heavy CO2 laden atmosphere. We are puzzled by the hard covering found around each of the large green plants. The unsubstantiated theory is that this was to protect their food source from burrowing animals.Another theory is that they called themselves people of the earth (loosely translated) and this was a ritual to frighten away evil flying spirits and the hard surface was to protect the earth from contamination from any spirits that managed to land. Based on soil analysis the standing joke among fellow Xenoarchaeologists is that they weren't very successful. We are also still puzzled by the strange labels surrounding each image what could KODAK, FUJI and the rare AGFA mean, so far the only hypothesis we have is they are names given to the different tribes.

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