Utata Thursday Walk 699
Can you believe that Star Trek, a.k.a. The Original Series premiered over 50 years ago on September 8? Hard to image a television series having such a cultural impact, especially since it was considered a failure, being cancelled after three seasons because of low viewer ratings. But the series and subsequent series influenced design of things like portal storage, cell phones, touch screens, Siri and Alexa, etc. It also inspired kids to become astronauts and scientists, and made Sci-Fi on TV eventually respectable. Now, can we imagine our Utata Thursday Walks lasting that long? We're just over 13 years, so we has a ways to go yet. So let's keep at it with another walk. Tag your photos with utata:project=tw699 and post one small image in this thread.
Utata Thursday Walk 699 has 12 entries.