Utata Thursday Walk 700
Seven hundred is a big number. In the Unix/Linux operating system a permission setting on a file or directory of 700 means that only the root or administrator can see, create, or remove that file or directory. That's a big deal. It contains one of my favourite numbers, which everyone knows is very lucky. In the Julian calendar system the year 700 was a leap year that began on a Thursday. Speaking of Thursdays, we have a tradition of taking a photo walk that began 700 weeks ago.
That's right folks, 700 consecutive Thursdays where Utatans have ventured out with a camera and walked about taking pictures and sharing it in this thread with a single small image as a sample. So we can tag our photos for this Utata Thursday Walk with utata:project=tw700. Okay, I know it's only Wednesday as I post this, but it is already Thursday in some parts of the world. And because that is so, today is also a special collaboration with Flickr. We are opening this particular Thursday to everyone in Flickr and invite them to join us. So welcome everyone. If it's Thursday in your local time zone, go forth and take some photos. Share them with us here and tell us a little bit about yourselves or your photos.
Utata Thursday Walk 700 has 65 entries.