Utata Thursday Walk 778
A year ago we were all coming to terms what a global pandemic meant for us. How long would this stay-at-home, shelter-in-place order last. How virulent was this new pathogen. Would we run out of food, money, sanity? For those able to work from home, how would we survive living with our immediate family 24/7. For those living, alone, would I see another soul again? I think we are still sorting all this out. We see signs of things returning to the before times. Will some of these things be ones we want? Will some of the new modes of living we've adapted to, become the norm? Still early days. One thing that has been consistent has been this group's dedication to our weekly Utata Thursday Photo Walk. That's why I say let's go for a walk. And take pictures. Tag 'em with utata:project=tw778 and post one small image in this thread.
Utata Thursday Walk 778 has 10 entries.