Utata Thursday Walk 826

It's been a tumultuous winter. Frostbitingly-cold temperatures alternating with record highs. More snow than in over a decade. Everyone tired of the pandemic. Winds of war blowing from Eastern Europe. Various groups flirting with sedition in Canada. A Winter Olympics taking place in a "Closed Loop", and odd description for a sports bubble. And don't get me started about the New York Times buying Wordle. The one constant that keeps me grounded is a weekly photo walk our band of merry photographers participates in. The Utata Thursday Photo Walk. I want to thank everyone who shares in this communal ritual. I want to thank you for making my day last week. So, please, enjoy your day and take photos. Tag them with utata:project=tw826 and post one small image in this thread.
Utata Thursday Walk 826 has 9 entries.
Utata » Tribal Photography » Projects