Utata Thursday Walk 850
Well we are now into the Dog Days of Summer. It is the time of heat, drought, sudden thunderstorms, lethargy, fever, mad dogs, and bad luck according to Wikipedia. It does feel this today. It's a baseball term, too as teams can't wait for the September playoff races to start in earnest and so August games can be dreary in the heat. Sirius, the "Dog Star", returns to the evening sky around this time. The ancient Egyptians saw the stars return as a precursor to annual flooding of the Nile. The Ancient Greeks thought its return was the reason for the scorching heat of summer. So, whether you can bear the heat or not, it's still Thursday and that means a Utata Thursday Photo Walk. Tag your photos with utata:project=tw850 and post one small image in this thread.
Utata Thursday Walk 850 has 3 entries.