
tamelyn feinstein

My life is pretty damn sweet. I have a gorgeous, caring husband; I have children who delight and amaze me with their beauty, energy, and creativity; and I have a job where it's considered perfectly acceptable to wear bunny slippers and dance around with a stuffed animal on my head.

But my life also involves taking care of the needs and demands of others non-stop from the time I wake up until the time I fall into bed at night, seven days a week. Because of this, there are times when I feel so overwhelmed, so drained and exhausted, that time seems like an endless loop of deja vu. And that's when I think: "No wonder I feel so drained ...there is no longer any part of my life that belongs to just me."

As soon as I think that, I begin to feel guilty. Here I am, surrounded with so much love, when there are so many people in the world who are alone and lonely, who long desperately for family and children and the company of others. And so I close my eyes, and rest for a moment, and remember to count my blessings.

But still sometimes I dream of time to myself, quiet and alone.

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