
James Tworow

So... The rain actually held off today, but I still decided to forego Carifest, electing to head downtown to Stephen Avenue, my first time in a few weeks with the camera.

I've met Alvin before (sitting with a friend), took a photo I wasn't very happy with (posted it for some odd reason anyway). I've talked to him several times since then, and today he was just sitting there on his own so I had the chance to sit down and have a good chat with him.

He shared some of life experiences... Of his past alcoholism (now dry since 1990), and his old habit of extensive smoking (four packs a day before he quit!) He moved to Calgary ten years ago, after many years of living in B.C., and comes downtown everyday (from Silver Springs) to just hang out along Stephen Avenue, usually outside The Bay.

He often shares his life story with young people downtown he encounters, who are going through much the same things he did when he was their age.

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