Late Night: Andy Fitzpatrick

Linus Gelber

When I'm blurry of a Thursday, chances are I owe it to the efforts of Andy Fitzpatrick and Matt Basile, partners in musical crime.

Every Wednesday night - Thursday morning, properly speaking - Andy and Matt host Late Night at Rockwood Music Hall, an excavation of popular music from the beginning of time to the present day. Or at least as far back as Billboard Magazine was counting, which is close enough.

Each week they pick a year and print out the Billboard Top 100 from it. After the regular program at Rockwood Music Hall winds down, a fresh wave of musicians washes in to sing songs chosen from the list. The informal house band shows up bit by bit, and there's a piece of time for drinking and chit-chat and what-song-did-you-pick and Hey can I sing harmony on that?, and when at last the show hits stride the Rockwood Regulars and guests strut their stuff before a happy house of peers, fellow traveler listeners, and wandering pilgrims who should really probably be in bed by now.

It's one of the best things you can do in New York on a Wednesday night. In public, that is.

Special bonus points: Kendall at the bar does her able best to guarantee that your Thursday morning is just no fun at all. The show is free; the fruits of the bar, not so much.

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