puesta del sol <> sunset


the only real sunset evening I caught and this one is a long exposure with the neutral density filter and very little post processing (sharpening & contrast) - playa diamante, acapulco, mexico

Our vacation culminated Saturday by two policeman pulling us over and trying to tell me I ran a red light in a circle, while on the way to the airport. It's quite likely I did. They were in a Nissan Sentra (I'm thinking security guard car) and it seemed like they began escorting a glass truck up the hill, when the whole time they were trying to pull us over. I told him 'no hablo espanol'. I hacked my way through the spanish and pretty much understood what they thought I did. I used 'por favor' a lot. They were going to hold my license at the police station in Socolo until I paid 800 pesos for the ticket. 'Donde esta Socolo?' I asked and it didn't really matter to me where it was, I didn't want to visit it. I told him 'no tengo dinero y mi familia vamos a aeropuerto a mi casa'. Eventually, I pulled all the dinero in change out we actually had - about 50 pesos, he motioned for me to put it on his ticket pad and that seemed to settle our differences of opinion, understanding or lack thereof. So, I'm pretty sure we wound up bribing them or they extorted us....

please see large view , gracias

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