Utata Cafe
We've done food, and we've done drinks - let's do something a little more explorative within the same themes.
Sort of a cross between an Agency project and a Weekend project, lets make some "cafe shots" ...
The objective is to capture pictures of the experience of "dining". Not really the food, not the drink, not the people (per se) - but the atmosphere, the mood, the ambience. Whether it's fine dining of breakfast nooking, all eating has a character of its own - let's capture the social moods and colors of how we dine - alone, together, in large groups, at outside cafes, under trees, in cafeterias, on the roofs of our vehicles at the beach ...
These will be the shots they'd put on their menus or brochures or stick to the bulletin board. Or the one you'd stick in the photo album.
Have fun!
Utata Cafe has 195 entries.