Sun and Shadows in Water

Joey Rozier

I was hopping* into the shower this morning when I noticed this pattern of sun and shadows on the water. I threw on some sweatpants and ran to get my camera so I could capture it.

Our shower has a window at the back, frosted on the bottom and covered by venetian blinds on top. The morning sun coming over the East San Jose hills floods into the shower, and this is the result.

I have noticed the lines of shadows from the blinds on the front of the shower before, but never noticed that they lit up the water in this pattern as well. (The light and shadow pattern is actually in the water, not on the wall behind the water.)

*I use "hopping" here in a figurative sense. I once literally hopped into the shower from another room, and hit my head on the top of the door frame. It hurt, so I no longer do it.

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