Treasure Hunt
Jumpin' Jack

Kaj bo zraslo iz peskovnika,
polnega prekratkih hlač?
Koga bo ubila zibelka?
Svet pokvarjenih igrač...
Ni več Eve, ni več jablane,
raj je vedno bolj strupen.
Barve smeha so pozabljene.
Mesta nimajo imen...
(Zoran Predin & Lačni Franz - Zadnja večerja)
Rough translation (with much meaning lost in it, I'm afraid):
What will grow out of the sandbox
Filled with pants, getting too short?
And who'll get killed by (in?) the cradle?
This world of broken toys...
No more Eve, no more apple tree
The paradise is getting toxic.
Colours of laughter are forgotten,
places lost their names...
(Last supper by Zoran Predin,
performed by Hungry Franz - Slovenian band)
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