Tom Atwell

A Sci-Fi thriller:
In the future, those with the plastic face will be in charge. Their smile will be permanently molded in place. They will tell us everything is fine even when we know it is not.
About the image:
No face was used in the making of this image. When I emptied a plastic 2 liter Pepsi bottle the other day I kept it for a possible picture. This evening I put a little water in the bottom and tipped it about 30 degrees. I shined a fluorescent light on it and aimed the camera through the opening. Initially I had blue in this image. I thought it was distracting and took it out
I didn’t notice the face until I brought it into paint shop for some final adjustments. That is when I decided to use it for Utata Goes To The Movies. I thought it looked like a face from a sci-fi movie.
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