Cement + Leaf

Josh Briscoe

A cascade of enzymatic reactions takes place in the petiole of a leaf in order for it to be released from the tree to which it belongs. At some critical point, the weight of the leaf itself causes it to break free and drift softly to the ground. Or maybe, it will be carried on some cool, autumnal breeze, far and away from where it started.

Eventually, it will land. Perhaps in the grass. Perhaps on the road. Perhaps on the windshield of some passing car. Perhaps on the head on an unsuspecting passerby. The leaf doesn't care. It simply drifts along, spinning softly in its descent. Logic tells us that leaves probably don't travel very far, but... maybe they do. Maybe they can. Where's it going and where's it been? When will it rest? And when will it move on again?

A leaf falls from a tree. It spins and twirls in the air, and then it alights softly, quietly. Unnoticed.

Usually unnoticed.

Blogged in September

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