Utata Rings in 2007
I was thinking up project ideas today and then I thought, hey, it's New Year's Eve on Sunday. Wonder how everyone is going to celebrate?
So this weekend's project is "Utata Rings in 2007". Take photos this weekend of your end of year / New Year celebrations. Do you stay up 'til midnight and drink champagne? Do you go out? Stay in? Go to bed early? Let's see photos of your New Year's celebrations.
How will Utata ring in 2007?
The usual project guidelines apply. Utata projects are a way to showcase your best work on each theme. Maybe your best three, maybe your best five...you decide. But if you find the number of photos you're submitting gets up into the double digits, you might want to consider getting a bit more selective.
You may submit up to three photographs from your archives (past New Years Celebrations), but we really want to encourage you to go out and make new photographs, as New Years 2007 only comes along once!
Utata Rings in 2007 has 111 entries.